Keyboardists, Pianists, & Musical Directors, Singers, Songwriters, Composers, Arrangers, Conductors, • 4/13/18 CHICK COREA - Renowned Pianist-Composer & 22-time Grammy winner - ARTIST SERIES Previous TONY ROYSTER Jr.- Drummer, producer (Jay Z, Katy Perry) Next JOHAN SVENSSON - Drummer, Musician (Britney Spears), Founder of Conrytmo for The Artist Series You Might Also Like DAVE WECKL - Part 1 - World class Musician/drummer for the Artist Series BOBBY ROSSI - Exec VP Entertainment; Ruth Eckerd Hall, Capitol Theatre, Ruth Eckerd on the Road CHUCK LEAVELL - Piano and keyboard musician, Tree Farmer, Conservationist, Educator SHEILA E - The Queen of Percussion and Co-Founder of Elevate Oakland WILLIAM DuVALL - Co-Lead Vocalist and Rhythm Guitarist of Alice In Chains
Keyboardists, Pianists, & Musical Directors, Singers, Songwriters, Composers, Arrangers, Conductors, • 4/13/18 CHICK COREA - Renowned Pianist-Composer & 22-time Grammy winner - ARTIST SERIES Previous TONY ROYSTER Jr.- Drummer, producer (Jay Z, Katy Perry) Next JOHAN SVENSSON - Drummer, Musician (Britney Spears), Founder of Conrytmo for The Artist Series You Might Also Like DAVE WECKL - Part 1 - World class Musician/drummer for the Artist Series BOBBY ROSSI - Exec VP Entertainment; Ruth Eckerd Hall, Capitol Theatre, Ruth Eckerd on the Road CHUCK LEAVELL - Piano and keyboard musician, Tree Farmer, Conservationist, Educator SHEILA E - The Queen of Percussion and Co-Founder of Elevate Oakland WILLIAM DuVALL - Co-Lead Vocalist and Rhythm Guitarist of Alice In Chains